If you’re looking for fun things to do in the snow with your kids this winter, there are some great ideas here! From snow sensory bins to colourful ice walls to making candy on the snow, here are 10 fun and creative snow activities to keep your kids busy and entertained when they’re playing outside on snow days or snowy days. Bonus, you’ll even find some fun ways to play with snow inside when the weather’s too cold to go out!
I’ll be honest. I’m not a huge fan of winter. The cold temperatures, having to bundle up, wet boots and mitts piled up on the mat when we come inside… Give me a hot, sunny summer day any day, and I’m a happy camper. That said, I do get the kids outside to play in the snow every day in winter time unless is way below zero.
Most days the kids are content to build forts and snowmen and ride their sleds, and we usually have a good snow slide built somewhere in the yard, but even still, it can get a bit boring doing the same activities in the yard day after day.
Every once in a while, I like to think up creative ways to play in the snow that add some excitement to our day and give the kids a chance to learn and play in a fresh, new way.
Here are 10 terrific Snow Activities for Kids to in the backyard this winter. You can even bring the snow inside and do some of these in the house when it’s too cold to bundle up and go out.
10 Fun and Creative Snow Activities for Outside and Inside:
Snow Ice Cream (or Snow Cream) is such a yummy treat to make with real snow after a fresh snowfall!
Whether you make it inside or outside, your kids will love the process and the way it tastes!
This is one of those classic winter activities you have to try at least once! Chances are, you’ll love it so much, it will become an annual, winter tradition for your family!
How do you make a snowman when the snow isn’t sticky enough to roll into balls?
Pile it up and gather up some odds and ends from the yard, and build a “snowman” with sticks and stones and various garden treasures.
Build coloured ice sculptures in the backyard on a snowy day. This is a great winter activity for the family to do together in the backyard.
It’s gorgeous and colourful too!
Great for a group of kids to do in the schoolyard or as an event at your winter carnival celebration too!
Here’s a classic Canadian winter tradition that have to try after a fresh snowfall.
Make your own maple syrup candy on the snow! It’s easy and delicious, and it’s a wonderful winter-time treat that everyone needs to try at least once in their lifetime.
When freezing temperatures make it too cold to go out, bring the snow inside to play!
A snowy sensory bin (filled with real snow) will keep the kids entertained for ages!
I’m always surprised how long the snow lasts when we it into the house. The hooligans always get a good couple of hours out of an indoor snow activity. What a great way to play in the snow when you can’t get outdoors.
Painting the snow is another winter-time activity that’s always a hit with kids of all ages. We love making art in the snow. I have to admit, I have just as much fun painting on a canvas of snow as the kids do!
If you don’t have paints to use for this activity, you can always spray the snow with colour like the kids over at Hands On: As We Grow
Potato Heads are one of our go-to activities all year round, but in the winter-time, on a day when the snow is good and sticky, we love to take our Potato Heads out into the snow and make Mr. Potato Head Snowmen!
You can also bring a container of snow inside for the kids to do this activity too.
When the kids are cooped up indoors and going a little stir-crazy, bring a shallow container of snow into the house and set up a Diamond Dig!
This snowy activity kept the hooligans busy for ages one morning. It’s a great for those days when the kids want to play in the snow but it’s too cold to go outside.
Bring the snow inside, and let the kids experiment with snow and liquid watercolours (or food colouring).
Fine-motor skills will get a work out with this wintery activity and kids can learn about colour mixing and absorption.
Build and colour structures, or turn the activity into a pretend-play ice cream shop.
You may have noticed we have a thing for homemade bird feeders. We love to make them! These snowy bird feeders are so simple to put together, and a lovely way to help our feathered friends find a meal when their food sources are scarce. And it’s just one more way to play with snow if you’re stuck indoors.
Looking for more ways to keep the kids busy and entertained this winter?
Check out these terrific indoor play ideas from The Idea Room!
How about a creative art project? I have 25 awesome art techniques your kids will love!
Get 3-5 Playful Preschool e-Book!
25+preschool activities by 25 bloggers, 10 printables, 50 links to activities not featured in the book all for $8.99!
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Jackie is a mom, wife, home daycare provider, and the creative spirit behind Happy Hooligans. She specializes in kids’ crafts and activities, easy recipes, and parenting. She began blogging in 2011, and today, Happy Hooligans inspires more than 2 million parents, caregivers and Early Years Professionals all over the globe.
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